A Joint Meeting Between FANAP and Khajeh Nasir Tossi

A joint meeting between FANAP and Khajeh Nasir Tossi attended by the Industrial Engineering Faculty members, Studies and Research Center members and some of the professionals from different projects of the company was held on 25 January 2020. In an attempt to make a connection between universities and industry, key scientific issues confronting FANAP’s professionals during the process of executing the projects were discussed with the honorable professors. The outcomes of this 150-minute meeting are explained below:
1. The maintenance module of MIDRP organizational comprehensive solution has been able to provide a platform in which all the data related to the activities of maintenance department is registered in a classified and systemic manner. However, the preventive actions plan is registered in the system based on experimental factors and the related process is conducted on the due date. Under such circumstances and with the data available, how is it possible to advance towards the optimization of maintenance activities and merging it with the aforementioned organizational comprehensive solution?
2. Since focusing on the smart tourism recommender system and image processing system is one of the responsibilities of FANAP’s artificial intelligence team, the concerns related to these areas were expressed as well. Firstly, since it seems likely that only a few tourists post their comments about the areas they have visited on the related websites or social media, how is it possible to measure the popularity of these places? Secondly, how is it possible to design and prepare the data base of the Iranians’ faces?
3. To optimize supply chain management module, employees in charge mentioned their challenges in the form of different issues. The issues included the algorithmic presentation for calculating the real time available to promise, specifying the transportation planning elements, optimizing the final goods weighing issue and assigning them to the vehicles for supplying the lower layers of the supply chain. Finally expressing their satisfaction with the opportunity provided by FANAP Studies and Research Center, both parties decided that the issues will be discussed in more details and solutions will be offered by committees made of the above mentioned faculty members after FANAP provide them with the necessary data.