Mahdi Ilbeygi received his B.Sc. degree in computer software engineering from the University of Imam Reza, Mashhad, IR, in 2007, his M.Sc. degree in artificial intelligence from the University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, IR, in 2010. Then, He received his the PhD degree in artificial intelligence at the department of computer engineering of Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, IR, in 2019. His main areas of research interest are human computer/robot interaction, image processing, natural language processing, ontology‐based applications, and big‐data analytic software.
Equipping the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture with a Temporal Ratio Model of Memory and Using it in a New Intelligent Adaptive Interface
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
A Novel Fuzzy Facial Expression Recognition System Based on Facial Feature Extraction from Color Face Images
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
A Novel Fuzzy Facial Expression Recognition System Based on Facial Feature Extraction from Color Face images
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
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