Call for Paper

The Journal of Applied Intelligent Systems & Information Sciences (JAISIS), under the auspices of FANAP study and Research Center, provides useful articles in the fields of information technology, artificial intelligence, information systems, and modern technologies in order to be utilized in solving the real-world problems. All the esteemed professors, students and researchers are invited to send the results of their valuable studies and research in the form of scientific articles through the journal’s website to the following address:
– Indexing articles in Google Scholar, CIVILICA and DRJI (Scopus index is being obtained)
– Joint anonymous review of articles and announcement of the result of the review to the authors after fourteen working days at the latest
– Ability to edit and index the accepted articles
– Acceptance certificate within a week
– The address of the publication in the CIVILICA database:
Communication routes for more information:
Tel .: +98 (21) 42638000 – 7241
Mobile: +98 (930) 7879547